Tokoin is a platform that establishes digital business identity and the reputation of MSMEs - tresnowaranggono



Senin, 26 Agustus 2019

Tokoin is a platform that establishes digital business identity and the reputation of MSMEs


Helping small businesses to achieve their potential by leveraging data. Face the real market. Tokoin provide a platform to build valuable partnership which will bring you into the engaging ecosystem consists of collectible business profiles profitable for business expansion.

  • Building a Digital Identity for MSME that represents a valid reputation
  • Accommodate MSME to utilize their data to create more funding opportunity.
  • Provide growth opportunities for MSME by bringing business partnership.

We aim to build business credit scoring that complies with the standard to apply business loans.
Stores point reward and use it to claim discount for every transaction
Directly quote to brands to buy bulk with lowest price
Record buying activity and gain reputation as one of the growing business factor
Every transaction occurs in the Tokoin platform will be stored as credibility record to be used as mortgage in the near future.
Dodge any possible fraud or risk of damage from doing transactions with unknown intermediaries
Stores point reward and use it to claim discount for every transaction


  • TOKO tokens flow starts based on the valuability of data
  • Reseller input informations: basic profile and product value demand
  • Reseller's data will be valued to redeem appropriate discount
  • Producers earn benefits with the action of staking tokens 
Tokoin is a platform that establishes digital business identity and the reputation of MSMEs as an acceptable measure of trust for suppliers and financial institutions. Create a digital business identity for MSMEs that represents a valid business reputation.

Basic information about the token:

Token Name: Tokoin
ICO Token Type: ERC-20
Token symbol: TOKO
Soft hat: $ 8,000,000
Hard cap: $ 25,000,000
Quantity for sale: 700 million TOKO
Country: India

Token symbol: TOKO
Soft hat: $ 8,000,000
Hard cap: $ 25,000,000
Quantity for sale: 700 million TOKO
Country: India

Problems with high funding barriers

After the financial crisis, banks became skeptical of lending to the IHR. They adhere to the generally accepted stereotype that the IHR does not have enough cash flow to make loan payments. Overall, affordability is still low in emerging markets, as 70% of the IHR still do not have access to funding opportunities. This is often explained by the fact that, as relatively new or small businesses, most of the IHR do not have adequate legal documentation, collateral and / or long-term credit history.

Difficulty to expand

Most IHRs do not produce enough to take advantage of the economies of scale. They also have low order volumes, which means they have little impact on suppliers and do not receive wholesale discounts. This leads to higher production and transaction costs compared to large enterprises, and unlike corporations, where entire departments are involved in procurement and finance, the IHR have fewer resources to find the best suppliers or the appropriate financing. International expansion is also problematic.

Lack of business support

For the MMP, these problems mean that they feel trapped in a cycle of high costs, minimal financial support and fierce competition. At the core of this cycle is a lack of trust on the part of the institutions that would have to support the IHR to sustain and grow. Suppliers do not trust them, banks do not trust them, and, ultimately, customers do not trust them. What is missing is the way MSME builds a reputation that builds trust and gives access to a wide range of services that promote growth.

Through the blockchain network, you can verify data related to business transactions in the ecosystem. TOKOIN uses the data recorded in the blockchain network as a valid indicator of business reputation. In other words, this reputation will be built on the customer’s purchasing behavior in trading activities, and this information will become an important part of the customer profile. With this approach, TOKOIN can convert an accurate data record into a valuable asset that the IHR can use as a lever to compensate for its missing credit requirements, such as assessing reliability.

Digital identification.

Responding to the needs of an authoritative and real person, Tokoin uses the digital sector as assistance and privilege. Thanks to the digital business ID, MSME can record and track its business processes in a digital ledger, while at the same time distributing the credit rating they create to other partners in the Tokoin ecosystem. This is the decentralized nature of the blockchain, where there is no central power point that records data. The use of blockchain technology in the business process.

Digital book

All transaction data from the MSME business transaction as a user will be stored in digital form and simultaneously a computerized record, called a digital ledger. Information, starting with KYC, to identify an initial business profile and more detailed information, such as cash flow, sales and income, and ordinary business purchases, is recorded as a valuable asset. This asset will also be compiled and processed, and a value will be assigned to it according to the depth of the information contained.

Service Provider

To help MSME, Tokoin is also supported by partners who provide financial and business
services such as business loans and credits, insurance services, logistics, delivery and
warehousing. As a Tokoin user, MSME can choose business services based on their preferences and development plan. For a service provider, this means that they can work closely with MSME, gaining access to their data and getting an overview of their potential customers.

Tokoin Ecosystem

Tokoin ecosystem assigned to convey the experience of one party to another with the order. Each participant, in order to maintain productive ecosystems involved in each company, has a decisive role. Tokoin interaction between customers and partners enabled by technology blockchain to ensure that the relationship between each participant and the security for each transaction, more reliable, making it a valuable partnership between each allotment. Tokoin in business activities. MSMEs as a data provider, transaction activity data submitted by Tokoin DAPP. Tokoin and validation process data into valuable assets. Partners can acquire data by stacking Toko Token.
Finaly ,TOKOIN is attracts the growing interest of the global audience and investors! The company has very ambitious plans to conquer the market! I advise everyone to participate in the purchase of tokens!

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Author (Sengkuni)
ETH : 0x841195014dd6AE32F3eC4B914fbEB1CCc73aC51E

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