The power of trading assets is really enormous, it has always demanded a lot from the users and has helped so many users have a good night experience especially when they use all kinds of assets. Trading should be improved because of the role in establishing an investors or a company on the blockchain because without it, there is just little to what a user of cryptocoins can do or achieve. Recently, institutions and individual traders don't trade well, there is always too much or too less for them limiting their advancement in the network and making them a complete subject to the difficulties. But now Sparrow is introduced, intending to safe the users of the challenges of trading and providing backups for individual traders as it supports them.
About Us
Sparrow is the leading options trading platform that’s settled by smart contract. We empower individual and institutional traders to store, buy and sell digital asset options that are transparent, customizable and simple. Established in Singapore in January 2018 by Kenneth Yeo and Adrian Tan, professional proprietary traders with experience trading derivatives in regulated markets, we serve the needs of a maturing cryptocurrency market with the right tools to control risk.
To be the world’s leading cryptocurrency options platform.
Give the world the confidence to trade anything.
This trading platform stands for revolution in the vast decentralised community. It aims to revamp the activities of trading completely and eliminate the risks involved with the process. With this, the people will have options that are reliable to trade and have good results as smartcontracts are used. The market as well will render the community safe and attractive to investors big and small for them to use Sparrow and have the proper control and a straightforward way of using their assets or monetizing them at will.
This project is built to be strong at handling all kinds of trades for the new traders and professionals as well, making use of the available features and aiming at perfection in all the operations. This means with Sparrow in control, users will be able to customize their activities in the platform. This will include using all kinds of options like the European options to trade, eliminate risks and use zero fee feature. They will have all kinds of pairs to trade with and also have the access to the CONVERTnow feature that makes assets convertible at any point in time. In order words, free access will be gotten to the point that traders can expressly perform simple services in the ecosystem.
Trading in sparrow can be completed within a short period of time. Through its other trading options like the TradeBOOST, the products can be easily used and the process becomes faster having record high performance. While the TradePROTECT feature for security during the process. So as the boosting of the trades occur, protection is also certain for the initiators of the activity. Globally, the advantage bof liquidity is achieved and this is passed on to the investors to use as the API for trading is used alongside the order book. Sparrow's use of smartcontracts is also an interesting one that makes it so responsive and perfect, doing all things as planned and having no form of setbacks. This is what brings about the transparency in the system with experiences that is best used as an advantage. Many activities that could never be achieved through the use of other platforms are now being engaged with causing the market to be fair and making OTC trading Possible in the market.
Different tokens can be traded with the right pairs available making the users able to trade Everytime using the different sparrow options they have with the perfect liquidity to settle their contracts and also do some other things in the system. To cut across other sector or even to use the fiats takes less time because this Sparrow community has its own special currency too and the CONVERTnow feature helps to simplify all these processes. For this process is lesser transaction fees taken from the users.
What is faced by clients and freelancers on existing freelance platforms is thus building a collaboration platform based on truly democratic achievements.
SPARROW is forging ahead with work by empowering freelancers and making collaboration available to small entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs that were previously ignored, thus creating a unique niche for themselves.
Sparrow Tokens will pay for transaction fees, purchase fees, and fee list platforms.
Sparrow Token
- Standard: ERC-20
- Hard Cap: USD 35 million
- Soft Cap: USD 5 million
- Price Token: USD 0.05
- Decimal: 4
- Currency received: ETH
- Token supply: 1.4 billion
Token allocation
Users can now have discounts when they trade and use the unique SPO which is the Sparrowofficial token. The discount mostly is in the average form that is 50% in all cases and all rewards can be paid using the token or in BTC. All that is what users get to enjoy having it in mind that they have a well secured platform better off than what they might have been exposer to before. The team will also be supportive and this innovation will change the face of the market as it introduces new changes that will add values to the entire system.
Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the Sprarow project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.
For more information and join Sparrow social media today please follow these resources:
By Sengkuni
Bitcointalk Profile :;u=2215475
Sparrow ID : 42ce47c3-5015-494e-88d3-6619d88e9344
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