FERRUM NETWORK are going to apply to personal blockchain - tresnowaranggono



Minggu, 12 Mei 2019

FERRUM NETWORK are going to apply to personal blockchain

Who would have thought, as will evolve our world, ten, twenty, and even more so thirty years ago? Before we had no idea that part of everyday life is absolutely normal emergence of technologies such as the Internet, cellular telephones directly and phones, and even the development of blockchain and its derivatives by the innumerable coins. In the beginning when the development of blockchain in its infancy, it is unlikely that Satoshi Nakamoto had the opportunity to provide the kind of chain reaction he runs everywhere. Only ten years ago the world was only just Bitcoin. At the moment there are more than two thousand. 

But ignoring the dynamic lift kriptovaljut, society still feel a whole range of difficulties in their operation, but still lack practical tools for their application. Naturally, nearly all the experts develop a tremendous amount of various subsystems, which are aimed at solving the current problems, but as practice shows, they still reside on the generation stage. However slowly, but surely, the population of the Earth, sooner or later will come to this. The project on which we now talk is called FERRUM NETWORK.


P2P exchange is a naturally developed theory, aimed at eliminating the limits of how to buy and sell regular Bitcoin.

Nearly during Bitcoin's existence, online transactions have acted as gateways to the pre-algorithmic world. But with the fact that there are very few online and real-life stores that accept electronic money as a payment method, they have created the need to build an interface so that users can make interactions between the economy. International real world and Bitcoin network.

Online trading platforms such as Bitstamp, China BTC, Kraken, ... have met these needs by becoming a popular place to buy Bitcoin and other electronic currencies in cash and vice versa.

The drawback here is that unlike Bitcoin, these exchanges are managed by companies. This means that their employees have the right to monitor and manage all transactions between users, playing the role of referee in resolving disputes and charging all of the above activities to collect money. .

Seeing the disadvantages produced by the above activities, some members of the ferrum.network community have been working on creating a new solution - the first high-speed interactive network for financial applications in The real world, characterized by Cross-Chain Interoperability - a next-generation protocol designed to connect to every blockchain.


Its main purpose that would guarantee the connection of all issued coins among themselves. What to bring to life these functions best technique, offering maximum quick translations and still the lowest Commission. 

The project contains its own decentralized database designed purposely for the tasks of the platform will be held and where all Exchange processes between all the kriptovaljutami that exist throughout the world. If the same talk about FERRUM NETWORK ordinary texts, he wants to offer high frequency and risk trade kriptovaljut, supported by peace-loving Wednesday FERRUM blockchain, and even a built-in AI assistants.


As you have already taken the talk FERRUM NETWORK will constitute an Exchange in which users will be able to promptly steer their own assets, buying and selling a variety of coins, on which blockchain they made. All the payment gateways, FERRUM executed so in order to guarantee the highest speed with extremely low overhead. That will lead to the most highly decentralized Exchange around the cryptographic world. 

Complementing the FERRUM exchange will be the UniFyre integrated mobile wallet with its derivative branch in the shape of the SebZero hardware wallet, whose technical characteristics are among the most reliable and best hardware wallets of our time.
Even for building security and reliability of all Exchange processes creators  made an internal token, which enabled and will realize all functions of the exchange of one kriptovaljuty to another. This process is directed only to eliminate zhulnicheskuju work by members of the community. All transactions will be at maximum speed, in consequence, almost no problems and interruptions from users will not appear.


As I've written before, for the realization of various transactions with kriptovaljutami at FERRUM NETWORK becomes available personal internal token FRM, who wills to realize all transactions at the lowest cost and most reliable technique. Fundamentally indicate that converting FRM becomes available for digital and for Government-issued monetary units. What makes the introduction of FRM comfortable and accessible.

Token Rassredotachivanie looks like this:




Naturally, in order to interpret all the outstanding qualities of FERRUM NETWORK network, you need to get acquainted with them directly in practice, because the value of any similar projects was only in their practical use. If the same say generally, I believe this solution is very exciting and technologically advanced, due to the fact that the project has all the necessary technological functions and tools needed in everyday life to the millions of users of the market blockchain. 

For advanced analysis of FERRUM NETWORK suggest to read their white paper, presented in Vajtpeper, and another to ask all the questions the team of creators. For this I have prepared all the necessary resources, which you will find under this clause.

Whitepaper: http://whitepaper.ferrum.network/
Website: https://ferrum.network/
Telegram: http://telegram.ferrum.network
Twitter: http://twitter.ferrum.network
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.ferrum.network
YouTube: http://youtube.ferrum.network
Reddit: http://reddit.ferrum.network
Bitcoin Talk: http://bitcointalk.ferrum.network
Facebook: http://facebook.ferrum.network

Username Bitcointalk Sengkuni

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