WSE is an advanced token created within the SMC radio framework - tresnowaranggono



Selasa, 26 Maret 2019

WSE is an advanced token created within the SMC radio framework

What is Wise?
Based in Costa Rica, Wise is an imaginative engineer of analog-mixed-system-on-a-chip signals that makes an eco-framework that empowers a broad expansion of use on IoT and cellphones using disseminated recording innovations while being supported by improved coordinated circuit-items.Savvy, is a simple creative designer of mixed flags, an on-a-chip framework (AMS-SoC) that brings together circuits involving IoT and multi-purpose systems through blockchain innovation while presenting another idea, radio-based IoT.

Insightful SMC can use Wi-Fi or Cellular systems to talk to various SMCs. Also, microchips can deliver via their own radio waves in a variety of frequencies and in areas where there is no cell administration or Wi-Fi. This element opens up the entire IoT universe and the potential results of the system for remote areas.

  • Advanced circuit in very small prints.
  • Very low power consumption, minimal heat dissipation.
  • High performance.
  • Real time operation.
  • Highest reliability.
  • Affordable.

SMC is a local blockchain. Every radio charge transmitted is seen as a box that will be added to the bundle, to make the blockchain. Each package combines data about the source of the sender, destination, date and time, and related history. This information is encoded using the 1024 fruit strategy and also the nectar encryption layer including the most extreme guarantees. Information packages are collected and confirmed against changes using the AI-based security framework installed.

Today's blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and internet of things (IoT) 's very fast development, thanks to the Internet of things (IoT) sensors, smart devices and the interaction between the interaction is realized directly, it would be possible to create an M2M economy do you care? Yes you will not be able to hear this wrong now. And this technology is planning to completely eliminate the centralization of intermediaries in all areas and their participation in this direction. As a result, it will be possible to ensure a higher standard of living for humanity.

In order to implement this idea, it is clear that each of the technologies I have just mentioned above is required to interact within a single network, each of which can process a very large data stream transmitted from more than one billion devices. But unfortunately, it was not possible until today. A solution that combines all of the above technologies has not been presented since it has not been implemented yet.

But there's no need to worry about that anymore. A team that can bring this to life came to light and presented us the project on behalf of "Wise Network" which will help us to host many different features that could not be used before. Let us examine this outstanding project together.

What will be the working principle and advantages?

Wise Network project team has a primary purpose. Every area is definitely to offer much better quality services for everyone. To implement this goal, the project team unveiled Wise's own devices, combining artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and internet of things (IoT), the so-called ANSUZ Chip. If we talk about the issues in which this device will occur;
There will be a CPU to be hosted on a motherboard that runs Linux and has a number of options that allow it to connect to other devices.
In addition to the interaction between Wise Blockchain and the device, it will be the crypto money engine that allows the storage of private keys to access your own wallet.

There will be a suitable processor to speed up operations within networks.

Another important issue is that Wise's ANSUZ Chip will transmit information to the network's own network, which is the name of MESH Network, in which the data of all devices of the ANSUZ Chip will be processed by artificial intelligence that can recognize code, text and speech. All collected data will be analyzed and compared with data from other devices to ensure the optimization of the next participant's actions.

Participants will be able to receive a range of recommendations that can be applied in various areas. Of course, the optimization process must be completed first. It is a very important detail that all data transmitted to the network of the project will be completely protected by WEYE so that it will protect the 3rd party's reliability. It will also ensure that the system is not protected by data encryption, but that this connection and network are protected. The project team also indicated that the chip Wise's ANSUZ Chip will be available in various versions. The priority of these is that smartphones and SD drives will be in the form of a chip in the form of a built-in SIM card.

What are ICO Sales and Details?

All transactions will be made within the scope of smart contract. As a result, it will be the main payment tool that allows you to buy products and data. This can be done by purchasing WSE tokens in the ICO processes. The pre-sale date will be between 19 April and 19 June, while the public-sale is scheduled for July 19 - September 30. The minimum purchase amount will be 1000 USD. The unit price will be 1 WSE = 10 USD. Acceptable means of payment are "ETH, BTC, Fiat".

Hardcap target is set at 40 million USD.

As a result;
If you think there is a project that can provide a change for the future of humanity, you will likely look positive. "Wise Network" is quite a chance to be a project like this. It will create a model that will accommodate a whole new economic relationship that will be carried out as soon as possible and without any means. This will significantly reduce the cost of many people. Together with these we will allow people to have a new time by optimizing their actions. For these reasons, it is possible to look warm to the project. It will not be a surprise that this project will be an integral part of our lives.
I would like to look forward to researching this project and I also add to my article the official sources that I think will help you to make it easier for you. All you have to do is to click on the titles. From here you can have unlimited access to all the resources you want, more detailed information about Wise Network,

Every self-regulating machine is an IoT / cellphone and requires board information and the most important level of correspondence security.

APPLICATION TEMPLATEBecause SMC is equipped with components such as hash fastening agents, equipment wallets, anchored memory installed, and encryption motors; The IoT gadget will almost certainly develop into the administrator of a digital currency that is anchored, realizing blockchain innovation.

DB MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSMC can be embedded in work areas and server applications, empowering the creation of other blockchain-based database frameworks for a variety of broad purposes.

WSE is an advanced token created within the SMC radio framework. Tokens are made with each radio transmission and are local to blockchain innovations. This token empowers the acquisition of IoT / Mobile related administration that can be accessed in decentralized application stores to facilitate capabilities. WSE is made use of a broad scope of radio frequencies encoded to achieve the level of security that is encouraged. WSE opens up a whole world of potential results to provide IoT highlights set up like a versatile application store, worldwide.


FINAL THOUGHTS Recently, blockchain platforms and applications have emerged from various regions, due to the favorable conditions offered by this innovation. This segment reviews applications and stages of most agents that combine IoT and blockchain.


Author Sengkuni

ETH : 0x841195014dd6AE32F3eC4B914fbEB1CCc73aC51E

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