CatEx exchange will soon launch a lottery - tresnowaranggono



Selasa, 19 Maret 2019

CatEx exchange will soon launch a lottery

Hasil gambar untuk CAT.EX EXCHANGE image

Every year, virtual currency production becomes less profitable because of the high cost of electricity and special equipment. In this case, more people are willing to be involved in the mining of currencies and more and more people want to use profits, making it possible to trade digital assets.

At the present rate, there is a large amount of currency exchange rates, but it has one significant drawback - high commission costs. But there are candidates who are very feasible.

Today's review is dedicated to very interesting projects, which will increase customer funds, instead of charging high commissions. The name of this site is Catex.
Project objectives

The Catex development team intends to provide opportunities for traders, not only trading with the most favorable conditions. 

Principle of operation
The work platform will be carried out through two main components:
Cat Exchange - exchange for trading virtual currencies;
CATT - internal coin platform.

The Catex exchange offers its customers a completely new crypto trading model, which was not used by the most well-known trading platforms - mining trade. This type of trade involves extracting digital assets through the use of internal currency exchanges. More accessible languages, the process of buying or selling virtual currencies will make CATT tokens, which will be credited with account in return for fees paid. 

This is the benefits of return for CATT tokens blocking. The prize and duration of the blocking period:
  1. 7 days of blocking - 50 percent of platform revenue;
  2. 15 days of blocking - 60 percent of revenue platform;
  3. 30 days of blocking - 70 percent of revenue platform;
  4. 45 days lock 80 percent of revenue platform;
  5. Key 60 days, 90 percent of revenue platform.

The remaining amount of profit is used by exchanges for equipment maintenance, employee payments, advertising and further development.

It is also important to be carried out every day.

The developer also understands the importance of stability of coins. In this case, a part of the coin blocked by the trader will be redeemed after the blocking period.

One of the main ways to differentiate from trading. If there are no options, they can submit their proposals and place them on the General vote. In addition, this voting system allows you to quickly and effectively resolve the most urgent exchange problems, as well as problems associated with inclusion in currencies, which provide the most pleasant trade for all traders.

In addition, the CatEx exchange will soon launch a lottery, where each participant can get his luck and get a big prize. This is really good news for all fans of excitement!

The Cryptocurrency trading platform gives its customers not only the opportunity to trade with the most favorable conditions, but also additional income, which makes it very attractive to most traders. By using Cat Exchange to trade digital assets, traders will be able to generate price changes and internal CATT tokens. 

At the end of my review, I would like to add that the Catex exchange was really appreciated by attention and investors, because there were various interfaces and instructions in various languages. As well as the ability to use smartphones on the iOS platform and on the Android platform.

I believe this project is an investor in the near future. Everyone who considers this project interesting, I suggest to study it in more detail, for this I have prepared a list of all the most important resources where you can find answers to any questions. Good luck!


1. Exchange Catex is an exchange that operates with a trading mining system and is managed by its own audience.

2. Trade transactions (except BTC / CATT) in BTC are evaluated as mining scope and costs are 105% Catted to your account. (The mining limit is 75,000 cycles per hour. The entire market and your personal mining limit is 1% of the cash hold. After the mining hourly limit is completed, the trade will be considered. The limit is reset at the beginning of each. hour.

3. At Catex Exchange, we distribute up to 90% of our daily profits to our investors every day. To benefit from this system, you can invest in Cat Tokens and stay locked for a certain period of time. 

Depends on key time;

a) 50% daily dividend for 1 week key period,
b) 60% of daily dividends for 15 key period days,
c) 70% of the daily dividend for 30 key period days,
ç) 80% of daily dividends for 45 key periods,
d) 90% daily dividend for 60 days key period

According to the ratio of credit to the daily dividend.

4. Our Exchange has been submitted by CMC and is an official response from CMC.

5. Our iOS and Android applications can be downloaded from the link below. This will soon be published on Google Play and the appstore.

6. The total supply of Catt tokens is 2 billion. At present, the supply is only 767 million.



So many other bonuses like the referral bonuses are given and much more interesting features haven't been talked about, meaning there is so much to know about this project that proffers the solution to exchange problems and make users the decision maker in the system. The project will thrive and then a revolution in the market will commence when that happens.

Catex Social Madia Accounts;

Telegram: @catex_group
TR Telegram: @CatexBeraber
Arabic Telegram: @CatexArabic
Russian Telegram: @Catex_Russian
Indian Telegram:
Indonesian Telegram: @Catex_Indonesian
Brazilian Telegram: 

Ä°mportant Links:

Catex Website:
Catex Vote Page:
Catex Buyback Account:

Author Sengkuni

My ETH : 0x841195014dd6AE32F3eC4B914fbEB1CCc73aC51E

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